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About Us

At Atlas Parts Industrial Corporation, we’re committed to offering quality products, unparalleled service and the most competitive prices in town. Great service begins with great people and industry experience, which is why our staff is made up of the best and most qualified in the business.

Over the years, Atlas Parts Industrial Corporation with business address at 1253 Soler St Binondo, Manila has mastered the science of manufacturing brake and clutch lining, able to provide the most efficient and cost effective transportation needs to our customers. It was formed with strong commitment to provide high quality service by protecting the interests of our clients and respond to their needs.


Atlas Parts Industrial Corporation was established in 1972 with a team of skilled managers and technicians characterized by enthusiasm and passion for excellence. It was formed with a simple idea-commitment to excellence in quality, reliability and service.


Our wide range of quality products has allowed us to become a specialist on brake system that has won us a long list of valued customers who never failed to patronize our products.


Consistency in our commitment to customers' demands and excellence in product quality being our utmost objective, we  are confident that we are capable of meeting the challenges ahead.

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